How You Can Avoid The Struggle Of Learning To Paint Incredible Abstracts Of Your Own!
The simple process you can implement to make painting abstracts EASY & ATTAINABLE!
What you'll get:
- The Fundamentals: Learn everything to know about paints, tools and supplies as well as how to use colors, shapes, and textures to create interest in your painting!
- Avoid Unnecessary Struggle: Don't make the mistake of struggling to learn art on your own. My goal is to walk you through the process step by step and make it as easy & fun as possible for you!
- ​Sketchbook Learning: Use a sketchbook to take notes, practice composition and style, and play around with your own personal abstract style. Mistakes on one page leads to inspiration for the next!
Abstracts Made Simple does just what it says... It gives you simple steps you can take today that will make abstract painting easy, and will leave you feeling inspired and confident! (Not to mention saving you from investing TONS of time and money going to in person studio classes)